Welcome to the test site for SugarMo, a 100% non-invasive glucometer

SugarMo Glucometer

SugarMo is intended for non-medical use only. SugarMo can make mistakes. Do not use it for any medical purposes or inference. Always consult medical experts for guidance. SugarMo is in research phase.

  1. Wellness Monitoring
    • Purpose: Help users monitor trends in glucose levels as part of overall health awareness.
    • Benefit: Provides insights into blood sugar trends for lifestyle and fitness purposes.
  2. Educational Tools
    • Purpose: Demonstrate glucose-monitoring technology for learning or research purposes.
    • Benefit: For educational use only, not for diagnostic purposes.
  3. Non-Medical Lifestyle Applications
    • Purpose: Help users correlate glucose trends with non-medical goals, like weight management or energy optimization.
    • Benefit: Understand how diet and activity may influence glucose patterns.

SugarMo is the first publicly available 100% non-invasive, blood glucose level estimator that provides a reading in under 15 seconds! No fees during this trial period, no pain, no sensorsno implantsno plastics, no account and no personal data. 

Just cover your device camera for a few seconds to get an estimation, and that’s it. You can use a smartphone, tablet or laptop of any brand too!

To use SugarMo, just select the camera you prefer to use, click Start, fully cover the device’s camera with a fingertip or thumb-tip and hold still until the Ready sign and your blood glucose level estimate are displayed in less than 15 seconds. Simple! You may be asked to enter your known or typical blood glucose level a few times, to train SugarMo to learn about you, your device and your lighting environment. You can manually request SugarMo to calibrate or leave it to automatically calibrate itself afterwards. It will will let you know when it has reach a high level of confidence about it’s estimation and will stop asking for you to enter your known or typical blood glucose values.

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